Ali Kurland - LLHS CP

Assignment # Link
4 First Program
5 A Good Second Program
6 Comments and Slashes
7 A Letter to Yourself
8 Your Initials
9 Printing Choices
10 Escape Sequences
11 Numbers and Math
12 Variables and Names
13 Creating Variables
14 More Variables and Printing
15 Using Variables
16 Still Using Variables
17 Mathematical Operations
18 Your Schedule
-Keyboard Input-
19 Asking Questions
20 More Questions
21 Even Moar Questions
22 Name, Age, and Salary
23 More User Input
24 Age in Five Years
25 A Dumb Calculator
26 BMI Calculator
-Variables Part Two-
27 Variables Only Hold Values
28 Variable Modification Shortcuts
29 Boolean Expressions
30 Comparing Strings
-Variables Part Three-
31 Compound Boolean Expressions
-If Statements-
32 Age Messages
33 What If
34 How Old Are You?
35 Else and If
36 Weekday Name
37 How Old Are You, Specifically?
38 Space Boxing
39 A Little Quiz
40 Modulus Animation
41 Using Swing for Input
42 A Boring Window
43 A Frame with a Panel with Writing
-If Statements Part Two-
44 Two Questions
45 Choose Your Own Adventure
46 Age Messages 3
47 Two More Questions
48 BMI Categories
49 Gender Game
50 compareTo() Challenge
51 Alphabetical Order
52 Worst Number-Guessing Game
-Project 1- Slightly Longer Adventure
-Random Numbers-
53 Randomness
54 Magic 8-Ball
55 A Number-Guessing Game
56 Fortune Cookie
57 Dice
58 One Shot Hi-Lo
59 Three Card Monte
-While Loops-
60 Enter Your PIN
61 Keep Guessing
62 Dice Doubles
63 Counting with a While Loop
64 PIN Lockout
65 Number-Guessing with a Counter
66 Hi-Lo with Limited Tries
67 Adding Values in a Loop
68 Reverse Hi-Lo
-Do-While Loops-
69 Do-While Swimming
70 Flip Again?
71 Shorter Double Dice
72 Again with the Number-Guessing
73 Baby Calculator
-Final Exam-
Final Final Exam
-While Loops Part Two-
74 Safe Square Root
75 Right Triangle Checker
76 Collatz Sequence
77 Adventure 2
-Project 2- Nim
-For Loops-
78 Counting with a For Loop
79 Ten Times
80 Counting Machine
81 Counting Machine Revisited
82 Counting by Halves
83 Xs and Ys
84 Noticing Even Numbers
85 Fizz Buzz
86 Letter at a Time
88 Adding Values with a For Loop
-Random Numbers Part Two-
89 Baby Blackjack
-Project 3- Blackjack
90 Picture Menu
91 Flicker Phrase
92 Heron's Formula
93 Distance Formula
94 Month Name
95 Month Offset
96 Weekday Calculator
97 Area Calculator
98 Function Call Alphabet
99 Fill-In Functions
100 More Fill-In Functions
101 Keychains for Sale
102 Keychains for Sale, for real...
103 Keychains for Sale, real ultimate...
104 Calling Functions from Other Files
105 Evenness Function
106 Finding Prime Numbers
-Do-While Loops-
107 Baby Calculator
-Project 4- Calculator
-For Loops-
108 A Refresher
109 Refresher Challenge
110 Displaying Some Multiples
-Nested Loops-
111 Nesting Loops
112 Odometer Loops
113 Basic Nested Loops
114 Multiplication Table
115 Number Puzzles I
116 Getting Individual Digits
117 More Number Puzzles
118 Number Puzzles III
119 Number Puzzles IV
-File Input & Output (Part I)-
120 Programs that Write to Files
121 High Score
122 Data from a File
123 Simple File Input
124 Summing 3 Numbers from a File
125 Summing 3 Numbers from Any File
126 Getting the Whole File
127 Displaying a File
128 Summing Several Numbers
129 Simple Web Input
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Java Assignments